public interface MutableIntIndexable extends IntIndexable, Copyable<MutableIntIndexable>
as it eg allows
read-only views or transparent views of subsets of the array.Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
static class |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
IntIndexable.EntryConsumer, IntIndexable.IntIndexableSpliterator
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
Empty mutable indexable.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> |
View this indexable as a standard list.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
based(MutableIntIndexable indexable)
View any mutable int indexable as a base int indexable.
static <IN> MutableIntIndexable.Base |
copy(java.util.Collection<IN> collection,
java.util.function.Function<IN,java.lang.Number> copier)
Create a mutable indexable which is initialized from copied elements of
a given collection.
default void |
copyInternally(int fromIndex,
int toIndex,
int numElements)
Copy elements inside this indexable.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
copyOf(java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.Number> collection)
Create a mutable indexable which is initialized from a
given collection.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
Get an empty countable.
default void |
fillFrom(java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator provider)
Fill this indexable from a provider.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromArray(int... elements)
Create a mutable indexable which is initialized from elements
of the given array.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromArray(int[] elements,
int startIndex,
int length)
Create a mutable indexable which is initialized from elements
of the given array.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromByteIndexable(ByteIndexable indexable)
Return a mutable int indexable initialized with the content of a
standard byte indexable.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromCharIndexable(CharIndexable indexable)
Return a mutable int indexable initialized with the content of a standard char indexable.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromDoubleIndexable(DoubleIndexable indexable)
Return a mutable int indexable initialized with the content of a
standard double indexable.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromFloatIndexable(FloatIndexable indexable)
Return a mutable int indexable initialized with the content of a
standard float indexable.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromIndexable(Indexable<? extends java.lang.Number> indexable)
Create a mutable indexable which is the copy of a standard indexable.
static <B> MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromIndexable(Indexable<B> indexable,
java.util.function.Function<? super B,? extends java.lang.Number> converter)
Create a mutable indexable which is the copy of a standard indexable.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromIntIndexable(IntIndexable indexable)
Return a mutable int indexable initialized with the content of a
standard int indexable.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromIterable(int size,
java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Number> iter)
Create a mutable indexable from an iterable or a part of it.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromLongIndexable(LongIndexable indexable)
Return a mutable int indexable initialized with the content of a
standard long indexable.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
fromShortIndexable(ShortIndexable indexable)
Return a mutable int indexable initialized with the content of a
standard short indexable.
default MutableIntIndexable |
Get a copy of this object.
default MutableIntIndexable.Base |
headSet(int toIndex)
Create an indexable subset from the last elements of this indexable set.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
init(int size,
int value)
Create a mutable
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
init(int size,
java.util.function.IntSupplier creator)
Initialize a mutable indexable to a given size.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
initByIndex(int size,
java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator producer)
Get a mutable integer indexable of a given size which contains elements created by index.
default void |
initByIndex(java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator setter)
fillFrom(IntUnaryOperator) instead |
default void |
Order the elements in this indexable in their natural order.
default void |
order(IntOrdering ordering)
Order the elements in this indexable by the given ordering.
default MutableIntIndexable.Base |
Get this indexable but with inverted order.
default void |
Revert the elements in this indexable.
default void |
revert(int from,
int to)
Revert the order of all elements in the given range.
void |
set(int index,
int value)
Set the element at the given index.
default int |
setFrom(java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Number> iterable)
Set the values of this mutable int indexable one after
the other from the given Number iterable until either the
iterable is emptied or
Sizeable.size() elements are set. |
default int |
setFrom(java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Number> iterable,
int startIndex,
int numElements)
Set the values of this mutable int indexable one after
the other from the given iterable until either the
iterable is emptied or
numElements elements are set. |
default void |
setFromArray(int[] array,
int arrayIndex,
int startIndex,
int numElements)
Set consecutive entries from an array.
default void |
setMulti(int from,
int len,
int value)
Set multiple elements to the same value.
default void |
shuffle(java.util.Random random)
Randomize the content of this mutable indexable.
default MutableIntIndexable.Base |
subSet(int fromIndex,
int toIndex)
Get an indexable subset.
default void |
swap(int idx1,
int idx2)
Swap the values at two indices.
default void |
swyp(int idx1,
int idx2)
Swap the values at two indices using Pythonesque indices.
default MutableIntIndexable.Base |
sybSet(int fromIndex,
int toIndex)
Get an indexable subset.
default void |
syt(int index,
int value)
Pythonesque set.
default MutableIntIndexable.Base |
tailSet(int fromIndex)
Create an indexable subset from the last elements of this indexable set.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
viewArray(int[] array)
Mutable indexable view which operates on the given array.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
viewArray(int[] array,
int start,
int length)
Mutable indexable view which operates on a part of the given array.
static <T> MutableIntIndexable.Base |
viewIndexable(Indexable<T> indexable,
java.util.function.ToIntFunction<? super T> getter,
IntSetter<? super T> setter)
View a generic indexable as a mutable int indexable by accessing
a int property of the elements of the underlying generic indexable.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
viewList(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> list)
Mutable indexable view which operates on the given array.
static MutableIntIndexable.Base |
zeroed(int size)
Create a mutable int indexable with
0.0 elements. |
addAllTo, addToArray, addToArray, asBase, asCollection, asIndexable, asLongIndexable, asUnsignedIndexable, binarySearch, binarySearch, compare, compareUnsigned, emptyIndexable, equal, equal, firstMatch, foldLeft, forEachIntEntry, frozen, frozenIntSpliterator, get, getMod, gyt, hash, indexes, intIndexes, intIterator, intIterator, intSpliterator, isEmpty, isOrdered, isStrictlyOrdered, iterator, lastMatch, listIterator, nextMatch, ordered, ordered, previousMatch, range, range, rangeFromSize, rotated, singleton, toArray, toList, toString, view, viewArray, viewAsBoolean, viewAsByte, viewAsChar, viewAsDouble, viewAsDouble, viewAsFloat, viewAsLong, viewAsLong, viewAsShort, viewAsUnsignedLong, viewByIndex, viewIndexable, viewIndexable, viewIndexable, viewList, viewList, viewList, viewNumberArray, viewOp, with, withAppendedValue, withCachedHash, withExchangedValueAt, withInsertedValueAt, withRemovedValueAt, withSwappedValuesAt, wyth
filtered, first, isEqual, isSorted, isStrictlySorted, last, sorted, toString, uniform, viewCollection, viewCollection, viewCollectionN, viewCollectionN
average, containsInt, forEachInt, forEachIntFragile, longSum, longSumX, spliterator, stream, sum, sumX
static final MutableIntIndexable.Base EMPTY
instead.void set(int index, int value)
- index between 0
and size() - 1
- value to put to the given indexdefault void syt(int index, int value)
references the last element, -2
its predecessor, and so on.index
- index between -size()
and size() - 1
- value to put to the given indexdefault int setFrom(@NotNull java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Number> iterable)
elements are set.iterable
- iterable from which this indexable is filleddefault int setFrom(@NotNull java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Number> iterable, int startIndex, int numElements)
elements are set.iterable
- iterable from which this indexable is filledstartIndex
- start index where the setting beginsnumElements
- number of elements to setdefault void setFromArray(@NotNull int[] array, int arrayIndex, int startIndex, int numElements)
- array with elements to set fromarrayIndex
- start index in the arraystartIndex
- start index in this mutable indexablenumElements
- number of elements to copyjava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- if this mutable indexable would overflow by this operationjava.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- if array overflows by this operationdefault void setMulti(int from, int len, int value)
- first index to be set (Pythonesque)len
- number of elements to be set (non-negative)value
- value to be setdefault void copyInternally(int fromIndex, int toIndex, int numElements)
- start index from where elements are copied (Pythonesque)toIndex
- start index to where elements are copied (Pythonesque)numElements
- number of elements to copydefault void fillFrom(@NotNull java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator provider)
- provider which is called for each index and provides the element for that indexdefault void swap(int idx1, int idx2)
- first indexidx2
- second indexdefault void swyp(int idx1, int idx2)
- first index (Pythonesque
- second index (Pythonesque
)@NotNull default MutableIntIndexable.Base subSet(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
to toIndex - 1
in interface IntIndexable
- start index of sub settoIndex
- index after last index@NotNull default MutableIntIndexable.Base sybSet(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
in interface IntIndexable
- start index of sub settoIndex
- end index of sub set@NotNull default MutableIntIndexable.Base tailSet(int fromIndex)
in interface IntIndexable
- index to start with, negative counts from the back@NotNull default MutableIntIndexable.Base headSet(int toIndex)
in interface IntIndexable
- index one after the end (equal to the length of the returned set),
negative counts from the back@NotNull default MutableIntIndexable.Base reverse()
in interface IntIndexable
default void revert(int from, int to)
element is also included in the reversion to allow easy
reversion at the end by using -1
- start element of reversion (Pythonesque), includedto
- end element of reversion (Pythonesque), includeddefault void revert()
default void order(@NotNull IntOrdering ordering)
returns true
for the given ordering
If natural ordering is required use order()
because in many cases this can avoid the overhead of invoking the ordering
and sort much faster (typically 1.5x as fast).
- ordering to applydefault void order()
with natural order
.default void shuffle(@NotNull java.util.Random random)
- random number generator@Deprecated default void initByIndex(@NotNull java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator setter)
- setter which provides the value to be set for a given index@NotNull default java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> asList()
List.set(int, Object)
but neither any adding nor deleting methods. Standard sorting algorithms will work
on the returned list as a sorting algorithm is expected to neither move nor add
in interface IntIndexable
@NotNull default MutableIntIndexable getCopy()
in interface Copyable<MutableIntIndexable>
@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base based(@NotNull MutableIntIndexable indexable)
- mutable int indexable to view as a MutableIntIndexable.Base
mutable int indexable@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base init(int size, @NotNull java.util.function.IntSupplier creator)
- size of indexablecreator
- creator for the initial elementszeroed(int)
init(int, int)
@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base copyOf(@NotNull java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.Number> collection)
- collection@NotNull static <IN> MutableIntIndexable.Base copy(@NotNull java.util.Collection<IN> collection, @NotNull java.util.function.Function<IN,java.lang.Number> copier)
- incoming element typecollection
- collectioncopier
- element copier@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base empty()
in interface IntCountable
@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base fromArray(@NotNull int... elements)
- elementselements
@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base fromArray(@NotNull int[] elements, int startIndex, int length)
- array of elementsstartIndex
- index of first element used in the returned indxablelength
- length number of elements used in the returned indexableelements
@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base viewArray(@NotNull int[] array)
in interface IntIndexable
- array@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base viewArray(@NotNull int[] array, int start, int length)
in interface IntIndexable
- arraystart
- start position in arraylength
- length of returned indexable@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base viewList(@NotNull java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> list)
- list@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base fromIndexable(@NotNull Indexable<? extends java.lang.Number> indexable)
- standard indexable@NotNull static <B> MutableIntIndexable.Base fromIndexable(@NotNull Indexable<B> indexable, @NotNull java.util.function.Function<? super B,? extends java.lang.Number> converter)
- element type of incoming idexableindexable
- base indexableconverter
- converter from base indexable type to result element type,@NotNull static <T> MutableIntIndexable.Base viewIndexable(@NotNull Indexable<T> indexable, @NotNull java.util.function.ToIntFunction<? super T> getter, @NotNull IntSetter<? super T> setter)
This is useful if you have complex items, but are interested into only one (int) property of each item.
- element type of the underlying indexableindexable
- underlying generic indexablegetter
- function used to extract the property of interestsetter
- procedure used to set the property of interest@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base fromDoubleIndexable(@NotNull DoubleIndexable indexable)
- double indexable@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base fromFloatIndexable(@NotNull FloatIndexable indexable)
- float indexable@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base fromLongIndexable(@NotNull LongIndexable indexable)
- long indexable@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base fromIntIndexable(@NotNull IntIndexable indexable)
- int indexable@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base fromShortIndexable(@NotNull ShortIndexable indexable)
- short indexable@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base fromByteIndexable(@NotNull ByteIndexable indexable)
- byte indexable@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base fromCharIndexable(@NotNull CharIndexable indexable)
- char indeable@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base fromIterable(int size, @NotNull java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Number> iter)
- maximum size of returned indexableiter
- iterable used for initializing the indexable@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base zeroed(int size)
- required size of returned mutable int indexable0.0
init(int, int)
init(int, IntSupplier)
@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base init(int size, int value)
in interface IntIndexable
- required size of returned mutable int indexablevalue
- initial value of all elementsvalue
init(int, IntSupplier)
@NotNull static MutableIntIndexable.Base initByIndex(int size, @NotNull java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator producer)
in interface IntIndexable
- size of the returned indexableproducer
- producer which is called with an index and expected to return the associated valueproducer
IntIndexable.viewByIndex(int, IntUnaryOperator)