Interface | Description |
Accessor<T> |
Abstraction for getting and setting a value.
ActiveListListener<T> |
A listener for
active lists . |
ArrayFactory<T> |
Factory for array creation.
BooleanIndexable |
Class which allows readonly access of raw booleans by index.
BooleanIndexable.EntryConsumer |
Consumer for index-value pairs with
int values. |
ByteIndexable |
Class which allows readonly access of raw bytes by index.
CharIndexable |
Class which allows readonly access of raw chars by index.
Copier<T> |
Get copies of items of a given class.
Copyable<T> |
Enhanced cloning support.
Countable<T> |
Something containing a defined number of arbitrary elements which can be iterated over.
CountingSet<T> |
A set which counts the number of additions.
Dict<K,V> |
A dictionary.
DoubleIndexable |
Class which allows readonly access of raw doubles by index.
ExpandableDoubleIndexable |
Immutable expandable primitive double indexable.
ExpandableIndexable<T> |
Immutable expandable indexable.
ExpandableIntIndexable |
Immutable expandable primitive integer indexable.
ExpandableLongIndexable |
Immutable expandable primitive long indexable.
Factory<T> |
A factory knows how to create objects of a given type.
FloatIndexable |
Class which allows readonly access of raw floats by index.
FragileLoopItemHandler<T,E extends java.lang.Exception> |
A generic handler for loop items which may throw an exception.
FragileTypeConverter<T,S> |
Converter which knows how to convert one type into another,
but may throw an exception in certain cases..
FStack<T> |
A functional stack.
HashCodeCalculator<T> |
Calculator interface for generalized hash code calculation.
Indexable<T> |
Class which allows readonly access by index.
IntCountable |
Something containing a defined number of int values which can be iterated over.
IntIndexable |
Class which allows readonly access of raw integers by index.
IntIndexable.EntryConsumer |
Consumer for index-value pairs with
int values. |
LongIndexable |
Class which allows readonly access of raw long integers by index.
LoopHandler |
Handler for loops.
LoopItemHandler<T> |
Generic handler of items during a loop..
Matcher<T1,T2> | |
MutableBooleanIndexable |
Primitive boolean indexable with fixed length but mutable content.
MutableByteIndexable |
Primitive byte indexable with fixed length but mutable content.
MutableCharIndexable |
Primitive char indexable with fixed length but mutable content.
MutableDoubleIndexable |
Primitive double indexable with fixed length but mutable content.
MutableFloatIndexable |
Primitive float indexable with fixed length but mutable content.
MutableIndexable<T> |
Indexable with fixed length but mutable content.
MutableIntIndexable |
Primitive int indexable with fixed length but mutable content.
MutableLongIndexable |
Primitive long indexable with fixed length but mutable content.
MutableShortIndexable |
Primitive short indexable with fixed length but mutable content.
NamedNullableValue<T> |
A nullable value with a name.
NamedValue<T> |
A non-null value with a name.
NullableAccessor<T> |
Abstractign for getting and setting a value.
PrimitiveBooleanIterable |
Iterable which iterates over a primitive boolean.
PrimitiveBooleanIterator |
An iterator specialized for
boolean values. |
PrimitiveByteIterable |
Iterable which iterates over a primitive byte.
PrimitiveByteIterator |
An iterator specialized for
short values. |
PrimitiveCharIterable |
Iterable which iterates over a primitive char.
PrimitiveCharIterator |
An iterator specialized for
cahr values. |
PrimitiveDoubleIterable |
Iterable which iterates over a primitive double.
PrimitiveFloatIterable |
Iterable which iterates over a primitive float.
PrimitiveFloatIterator |
An iterator specialized for
float values. |
PrimitiveIntIterable |
Iterable which iterates over a primitive int.
PrimitiveLongIterable |
Iterable which iterates over a primitive long.
PrimitiveShortIterable |
Iterable which iterates over a primitive short.
PrimitiveShortIterator |
An iterator specialized for
short values. |
ReferenceCreator<R extends java.lang.ref.Reference<? super V>,V> |
Reference creator.
ShortIndexable |
Class which allows readonly access of raw short integers by index.
Sizeable |
Something which has an integer size.
Subject<T> |
This is mainly a marker interface for subjectivized objects.
Subjective<T> |
Type-based information how to create a
Subject from an object. |
TwoWayChoice<T> |
A choice between two values.
TwoWayChoiceN<T> |
A choice between two values which may be
null . |
TwoWayTypeConverter<T,S> |
Type converter which can convert between two types in both ways.
UniformMatcher<T> |
A uniform matcher is a
Matcher which can only compare
objects of the same type. |
Class | Description |
AbstractBasicCopyable<T extends java.lang.Cloneable> |
Basic implementation of copyable object.
AbstractBasicCountingSet<T> |
Basic implementation for counting sets.
AbstractBasicUnmodifiableList<T> |
Basic implementation of an unmodifiable list.
ActiveList<T> |
An active lists sends events on changes.
ArrayIterator<T> |
An iterator over an array.
BasicLoop<T extends BasicLoop.Item<T>> |
Wrapper around a double linked list which forms a loop.
BasicLoop.Item<V extends BasicLoop.Item<V>> |
Base implementation of a double linked loop item.
BooleanIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
BooleanPair |
A pair of primitive boolean values.
ByteIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
BytePair |
A pair of primitive byte values.
CharIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
CharPair |
A pair of primitive char values.
ConcatenatedIterables<T> |
Concatenated iterables.
ConcatenatedIterators<T> |
Concatenated iterators.
CopierFStackImpl<T> |
Implementation of a functional stack which takes care of
mutable elements by copying them.
CopierFStackImpl.Empty<T> |
Empty copier stack implementation.
Countable.Base<TT> |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
CountingHashSet<T> |
A set which also counts how often any element was added.
CountingTreeSet<T> |
A sorted set which also counts how often any element was added.
Dict.Base<KK,VV> |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
Dict.Entry<EK,EV> |
Entry access.
DoubleIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
DoubleIndexable.DoubleIndexableSpliterator |
Spliterator for double indexables.
DoublePair |
A pair of primitive double values.
Empty |
This interface just contains various constant empty items (especially arrays):
These can be used as defaults in various circumstances.
EnumerationIterator<T> |
Iterator wrapper for an enumeration.
Enums |
Toolbox for enums.
ExpandableDoubleIndexableImpl |
Default implementation used for immutable expandable double indexable.
ExpandableIndexableImpl |
Default implementation used for immutable expandable indexable.
ExpandableIntIndexableImpl |
Default implementation used for immutable expandable integer indexable.
ExpandableLongIndexableImpl |
Default implementation used for immutable expandable long indexable.
FilteringIteratorWrapper<T> |
A wrapper for a standard iterator which only iterates over
selected elements.
FloatIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
FloatPair |
A pair of primitive float values.
FStackImpl<T> |
Implementation of a functional stack.
HashCacheWrapper<T> |
Helper class which is caching a hash value.
HashCoder<T> |
Helper interface for
HashCoderMap . |
HashCoderMap<K,V> |
A hashmap implementation that allows to provide
a dedicated hashcode implementation for its elements.
HashCoderSet<V> |
A hashset implementation which allows to provide
a dedicated hashcode implementation for its elements.
Indexable.Base<TT> |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
Indexable.IndexableSpliterator<TElem> |
A spliterator for indexables.
Indexable.ListView<T> |
Helper class for viewing a mutable indexable as a standard list.
IndexableHelper |
Helper class for indexables.
IntCountable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
IntIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
IntIndexable.IntIndexableSpliterator |
Spliterator for int indexables.
IntPair |
A pair of primitive int values.
IterableConverter<T,S> | |
IteratorConverter<T,S> |
Convert an iterator to another type.
IteratorEnumeration<T> |
Enumeration wrapper for an iterator.
LeastRecentlyUsedCache<K,V> |
A map which implements a least recently used cache.
ListIteratorConverter<T,S> |
A list iterator which maps the returned value.
LongIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
LongIndexable.LongIndexableSpliterator |
Spliterator for long indexables.
LongPair |
A pair of primitive long values.
Loop<T> |
Generic version of a loop where loop items can contain any value.
Loop.Item<T> |
Generic loop item.
MatchSet<E> |
A set which is using an
UniformMatcher for checker for equality. |
MutableBooleanIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
MutableByteIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
MutableCharIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
MutableDoubleIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
MutableFloatIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
MutableIndexable.Base<TT> |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
MutableIndexable.ListView<T> |
Helper class for viewing a mutable indexable as a standard list.
MutableIntIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
MutableLongIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
MutableShortIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
NullableUnion<T1,T2> |
This class defines a union structure for two values, where only one of them
OrderedPair<S,T> |
A simple ordered pair.
Pair<T> |
An ordered pair with equal types for first and second.
Primitives |
Primitives helper tool.
Pythonesque |
Helper class for pythionesque indexing.
RecreatingLeastRecentlyUsedCache<K,V> |
A least recently used cache which also allows to predefine a way to recreate lost entries.
References |
Helper for reference creation.
RefValueHashMap<K,V> |
A hashmap with strong keys and soft referenced values.
RefWrapperHashSet<V> |
A hash st which holds its elements as references.
RefWrapperList<V> |
A list which holds its elements as references.
Sequences |
Equality and comparability for sequences.
ShortIndexable.Base |
Abstract base class which provides useful implementations
Object.equals(Object) , Object.hashCode() ,
Object.toString() . |
ShortPair |
A pair of primitive short values.
SingletonIterator<T> |
An iterator which iterates over a single element.
SoftPropertyChangeListener |
Wrapper for a property change listener which reference the original change listener softly.
SoftValueHashMap<K,V> |
A hashmap with strong keys and soft referenced values.
Subject.Base<TT> | |
Subjectivity |
A subjective view on objects.
SynchronizedCollection<T> |
Synchronized collection.
SynchronizedList<T> |
Synchronized list.
Types |
Tool with helpful methods for type conversion.
TypesImpFilter |
Partial class used by Types, defining the filter algorithms.
TypesImplFolding |
Partial class used by Types, defining the folding algorithms.
TypesImplMap |
Partial class used by Types, defining the map algorithms.
Union<T1,T2> |
This class defines a union structure for two exclusive values of different types.
UnionBase<T1,T2> |
Helper interface for a union of two exclusive values of different types.
UnmodifiableListArrayWrapper<T> |
Let an array appear as an unmodifiable list.
UnmodifiableListBooleanArrayWrapper |
Let an array appear as an unmodifiable list.
UnmodifiableListByteArrayWrapper |
Let an array appear as an unmodifiable list.
UnmodifiableListDoubleArrayWrapper |
Let an array appear as an unmodifiable list.
UnmodifiableListFloatArrayWrapper |
Let an array appear as an unmodifiable list.
UnmodifiableListIntArrayWrapper |
Let an int array appear as an unmodifiable list.
UnmodifiableListLongArrayWrapper |
Let an array appear as an unmodifiable list.
UnmodifiableListShortArrayWrapper |
Let an array appear as an unmodifiable list.
WeakPropertyChangeListener |
Wrapper for a property change listener which reference the original change listener weakly.
WeakValueHashMap<K,V> |
A hashmap with strong keys and weakly referenced values.
Enum | Description |
Order |
Order of two values.
Exception | Description |
TypeConverterException |
Exception thrown during type conversion.
WrappedFragileException |
A runtime exception wrapper for a checked exception which occurred
in places where there is no way to handle it.
Error | Description |
EmptyLoopError |
Empty loop error thrown when accessing elements of an empty
BasicLoop . |
FactoryError |
Error which the
Factory.create() method may throw. |
Most items in this package are no longer necessary when using Java 8 and later.
This package contains classes using generics to allow for functional programming without the overhead of streams and also have dedicated read-only collections.
The package provides some read-only substitutes for standard collections. Basically they can be used in places where a standard collection with an unmodifiable wrapper is used, with the main advantage that using one of the classes here substitutes the implicit don't modify (or you'll get an excpetion) with a much clearer can't modify (because there are no methods for that). The classes are
Interface from this Package | Purpose |
Countable | Read-only substitute for java.util.Collection |
Indexable | Read-only subatitute for java.util.List and arrays |
Dict | Read-only substitute for java.util.Map |
FStack | Functional implementation similar to java.util.Stack , used a bit differently |
As these interfaces only provide read-only methiods it's simple to view them as if they have different contents.
Similar to Indexable
for objects there are also flavors for all primitive
values, e.g. IntIndexable
for int
In many cases these can be used instead of arrays, again with the advantage that they
are not modifiable. So they can be used as public constants which would be a bad idea
with an array. Also useful when an array field is returned from a method. Using arrays
usually a copy is necessary when returning such a field when the receiver should not be
able to modify the array's content.
Copying one collection into another while modifying it is possible with streams, but sometimes this is a bit over the top. In these cases many methods provided here are still useful.
and Enumeration
): see
: converting to string, using the toString() methodTypes.STR_TO_DOUBLE
: converting strings to DoubleTypes.STR_TO_FLOAT
: converting strings to FloatTypes.STR_TO_LONG
: converting strings to LongTypes.STR_TO_LONG_BASE_16
: converting strings to LongTypes.STR_TO_LONG_BASE_8
: converting strings to LongTypes.STR_TO_LONG_BASE_2
: converting strings to LongTypes.STR_TO_INT
: converting strings to IntegerTypes.STR_TO_INT_BASE_16
: converting strings to IntegerTypes.STR_TO_INT_BASE_8
: converting strings to IntegerTypes.STR_TO_INT_BASE_2
: converting strings to IntegerTypes.STR_TO_SHORT
: converting strings to ShortTypes.STR_TO_SHORT_BASE_16
: converting strings to ShortTypes.STR_TO_SHORT_BASE_8
: converting strings to ShortTypes.STR_TO_SHORT_BASE_2
: converting strings to ShortTypes.STR_TO_BYTE
: converting strings to ByteTypes.STR_TO_BYTE_BASE_16
: converting strings to ByteTypes.STR_TO_BYTE_BASE_8
: converting strings to ByteTypes.STR_TO_BYTE_BASE_2
: converting strings to ByteTypes.NUMBER_TO_DOUBLE
: converting any Number
based type to DoubleTypes.NUMBER_TO_FLOAT
: converting any Number
based type to FloatTypes.NUMBER_TO_LONG
: converting any Number
based type to LongTypes.NUMBER_TO_INT
: converting any Number
based type to IntegerTypes.NUMBER_TO_SHORT
: converting any Number
based type to ShortTypes.NUMBER_TO_BYTE
: converting any Number
based type to[], java.util.function.Function), java.util.function.Function), java.util.function.Function), java.util.function.Function), java.lang.Object[], java.util.function.Function), java.lang.Iterable, java.util.function.Function), java.util.Iterator, java.util.function.Function), java.util.Enumeration, java.util.function.Function)[], java.util.function.Function, Object), java.util.function.Function, Object), java.util.function.Function, Object), java.util.function.Function, Object), java.lang.Object[], java.util.function.Function, Object), java.lang.Iterable, java.util.function.Function, Object), java.util.Iterator, java.util.function.Function, Object), java.util.Enumeration, java.util.function.Function, Object)
Types.mapE(java.lang.Object[], de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter)
Types.mapE(java.lang.Iterable, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter)
Types.mapE(java.util.Iterator, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter)
Types.mapE(java.util.Enumeration, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter)
Types.mapE(java.util.Collection, java.lang.Object[], de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter)
Types.mapE(java.util.Collection, java.lang.Iterable, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter)
Types.mapE(java.util.Collection, java.util.Iterator, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter)
Types.mapE(java.util.Collection, java.util.Enumeration, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter)
Types.mapE(java.lang.Object[], de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter, Object)
Types.mapE(java.lang.Iterable, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter, Object)
Types.mapE(java.util.Iterator, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter, Object)
Types.mapE(java.util.Enumeration, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter, Object)
Types.mapE(java.util.Collection, java.lang.Object[], de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter, Object)
Types.mapE(java.util.Collection, java.lang.Iterable, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter, Object)
Types.mapE(java.util.Collection, java.util.Iterator, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter, Object)
Types.mapE(java.util.Collection, java.util.Enumeration, de.caff.generics.FragileTypeConverter, Object)
Types.forEach(java.lang.Object[], de.caff.generics.LoopItemHandler)
(w/o exception)Types.forEach(java.lang.Object[], de.caff.generics.FragileLoopItemHandler)
(w/ exception)Types.forEach(java.lang.Iterable, de.caff.generics.LoopItemHandler)
(w/o exception)Types.forEach(java.lang.Iterable, de.caff.generics.FragileLoopItemHandler)
(w/ exception)Types.forEach(java.util.Iterator, de.caff.generics.LoopItemHandler)
(w/o exception)Types.forEach(java.util.Iterator, de.caff.generics.FragileLoopItemHandler)
(w/ exception)Types.forEach(java.util.Enumeration, de.caff.generics.LoopItemHandler)
(w/o exception)Types.forEach(java.util.Enumeration, de.caff.generics.FragileLoopItemHandler)
(w/ exception)OrderedPair
: pair with differently typed itemsPair
: pair with items of same typeEnumerationIterator
: enumeration to iteratorIteratorEnumeration
: iterator to enumerationTypes.extract(java.lang.Object[], java.lang.Class)
: default returnTypes.extract(java.util.Collection, java.lang.Object[], java.lang.Class)
: returning predefined collectionTypes.extract(java.lang.Iterable, java.lang.Class)
: default returnTypes.extract(java.util.Collection, java.lang.Iterable, java.lang.Class)
: returning predefined collectionTypes.extract(java.util.Iterator, java.lang.Class)
: default returnTypes.extract(java.util.Collection, java.util.Iterator, java.lang.Class)
: returning predefined collectionTypes.extract(java.util.Enumeration, java.lang.Class)
: default returnTypes.extract(java.util.Collection, java.util.Enumeration, java.lang.Class)
: returning predefined collectionReferenceCreator
: create referencesReferences
: simple access to basic reference generators, see aboveRefValueHashMap
: a hash map with references valuesRefWrapperHashSet
: a hash set with referenced valuesRefWrapperList
: a list with referenced valuesSoftValueHashMap
: a hash map with softly referenced valuesWeakValueHashMap
: a hash map with weakly referenced valuesArrays.asList(Object[])
is doing:
, but better use
Even better: these wrappers also exist for primitive arrays, e.g. arrays of int
copy on demand implementation of a synchronized collection
which is easier to use compared to the one returned from Collections.synchronizedCollection(java.util.Collection)
(especially there's no need for explicit synchronization), and is highly performant in situations where the
underlying collection is often iterated over, but rarely changed. The last is usually true for listener collections.
property change listener which is referenced weakly
method. See
the basic interface
a simplified interface for the most common case
class which provides some basic matchersTypes.areEqual(java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.function.BiPredicate)
Types.areEqual(java.lang.Object[], java.lang.Object[], java.util.function.BiPredicate)
Types.areEqual(java.lang.Iterable, java.lang.Iterable, java.util.function.BiPredicate)
Types.areEqual(java.util.Iterator, java.util.Iterator, java.util.function.BiPredicate)
Types.areEqual(java.util.Enumeration, java.util.Enumeration, java.util.function.BiPredicate)